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 Hall and office air condition 

We offer individual air / cooling and air conditioning systems for your office or hall. We use only the most modern components and equipment, which are energy-saving and cost-efficient in use.

Nowadays, office air conditioning is one of the main components of a comfortable office climate during the summer period. Air conditioning of an office or a group of offices is solved in different ways, depending on the design of the office space, budget, readiness level of the office building and many other factors.


Since manufacturers do not create special variants of office air conditioners, split systems or ceiling and floor variants are most often installed there. High-quality office air conditioning is possible only by choosing the right equipment performance.

Office air conditioners

Why do you need to install air conditioning in your office?

In order not to be surprised with a gross decrease in work performance during the next unusually hot summer.

Practice shows that it is necessary to install air conditioning in the office and not just for prestige. Such devices allow you to maintain an ideal indoor microclimate, regardless of what happens outside the window, creating an ideal environment for employees to fully realize their potential and perform any work with full commitment. 

The practice of many companies shows that installing air conditioning in the office means that the following can be prevented:


1. early departure from the workplace due to headaches.
2. increased fatigue and, as a result, the decrease in work efficiency.
3. sick leave: maintaining the right microclimate strengthens the human body. 

Selection of the right components

You should think about the number of people and office equipment in the office that produce heat. If you install air conditioning in the office without taking into account, the effect will be minimal. On average, the power of the air conditioner for the office is calculated from the ratio: for 10 square meters of space for 1 kilowatt. Taking into account the above factors, should add 25-40%. For offices with a small area, the household unit with an area of up to 100 square meters is quite sufficient. It can be a window variant, mobile or split system with a maximum power of eight kilowatts. If the area of the office is larger, you need to pay attention to the devices from the semi-industrial series with the power of 8 - 15 kilowatts. Less often on the large areas are installed split systems. Such air conditioners for an office can cope with the air volume for 400m².


Installation of office air conditioning is carried out exclusively by the proven professionals. We try to preserve the internal and external architectural features of the facility. If the installation includes the arrangement of special platforms that help to dampen vibration loads, all these measures are also carried out by the specialists of our organization. The installation is turnkey, we do all the work - from preliminary calculations, through construction, to the final commissioning of the modules. 

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